channel[link]); if (!is_object($them) || !is_array($them->items)) return FALSE; foreach ($them->items as $item) { //echo "Compare $want == ".clean_url($item[link])."
\n"; if (strcasecmp(clean_url($item[link]),$want)==0) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } function find_karma($us, $them) { $want = clean_url($us->channel[link]); if (!is_object($them) || !is_array($them->items)) return 0; foreach ($them->items as $item) { if (strcasecmp(clean_url($item[link]),$want)==0) { $karma = (int)$item[nepot][karma]; if ($karma < 0) $karma = 0; if ($karma > 5) $karma = 5; return $karma; } } return 0; } function error_page($msg) { global $self; ?> Nepot: View Network

Notice: Undefined variable: msg in /home/alice/public_html2/nepot/viewme.php on line 39

NEPOT was unable to find the requested RSS file, either you didnt supply a URL (or a proxy blocked it) or the file was not found at that location.

Please specify the url to try:

Notice: Undefined variable: self in /home/alice/public_html2/nepot/viewme.php on line 43
channel[category] == "public") $type = "public"; else $type = "private"; ?> Nepot: <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in <b>/home/alice/public_html2/nepot/viewme.php</b> on line <b>78</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: rss in <b>/home/alice/public_html2/nepot/viewme.php</b> on line <b>78</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Trying to get property 'channel' of non-object in <b>/home/alice/public_html2/nepot/viewme.php</b> on line <b>78</b><br />
NEPOT System
It's all about who you know

\n"; if ($rss->image[url]) echo "image[url]}\" ALT=\"{$rss->image[title]}\" TITLE=\"{$rss->image[title]}\">
\n"; echo "channel[link])."\">"; echo "".$rss->channel['title'].""; echo "\n"; echo "


\n"; $friends = count($rss->items); if ($type == "public") echo "This community has "; else echo "This person has "; $karma = 0; if ($friends == 0) echo "no friends."; else if ($friends == 1) echo "one friend.\n"; else echo "$friends friends."; echo "
\n"; if ($type == public) { echo "channel[link])."/linkme.php\">Join this community
\n"; } if ($friends) { $count = 0; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; foreach ($rss->items as $n => $item) { if ($count % 5 == 0 && $count != 0) { echo "\n\n"; $count = 0; } unset($them); if ($item[link]) $them = @fetch_rss(rss_url($item[link])); echo "\n"; $karma += find_karma($rss, $them); $count++; } if ($count > 5) for ($i=$count; $i<5; $i++) { echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; if ($them) { echo ""; if ($them->image[url]) echo "image[url]}\" TITLE=\"{$item[description]}\" BORDER=0 WIDTH=100>"; else echo "
No Image
"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } if ($item[link]) echo ""; echo $item[title]; if ($item[link]) echo ""; if ($them) echo "(".count($them->items).") "; echo "
\n"; if ($item[category]) { echo "{$item[category]}
\n"; } echo "
\n"; } if ($karma>1) echo "This person has $karma karma points.
\n"; else if ($karma==1) echo "This person has $karma karma point.
\n"; else echo "This person has no karma points.
\n"; }else { error_page("Bad URL ".rss_url($url)); } ?>